But I've got to say that the magazine made me think a little bit about the racial politics of the current bike resurgence in America. Put bluntly, in this issue of Bicycle Times, bike riding is very white. And I'm not sure I'm entirely comfortable with that.
This first occurred to me because there are two "international" stories in the current issue. One, which I found really compelling and informative, is about cycling in the Netherlands. You can read it in blog-post form here. The author accompanied a bunch of public officials from Northern California on a week-long trip to the Netherlands to learn about Dutch biking culture. Dutch people are treated as agents: they have a point of view, opinions, and practices that are worthy of emulation. The article has lots of good points about Dutch bike culture and how it might or might not be transferable to US cities.
The second story, "Storming the Dominican: my ride in the rain", can be found in blog-post form here. (Interestingly, it seems that a fair amount of Bicycle Times's content is culled from blogs.) This is a travel feature about a bike trip in the Dominican Republic. Like most travel journalism, this article ignores the perspectives of local people, except to note that the nameless local guide is "filled with admiration and apprehension" at the bike tourists' decision to ride in a downpour. Dominican people exist here only in very limited roles: they provide the bike tourists with authentic and traditional local foods, they give the bike tourists an opportunity to reflect on their good fortune to live in a wealthy country, and some local small children "r[u]n along next to us like we were riding in the Tour de France." Do people in the Dominican Republic ride bikes for fun or transportation? Is there anything that we can learn from Dominican bike culture? Who knows? There's no discussion of cycling in the Dominican Republic, because the article treats that country as a place for wealthy Americans to go on vacation, not as a place that has a cycling culture of its own.
And I actually think this is part of a pattern. Increasingly, American cyclists associate functional bike-riding with Europe and focus exclusively on cycling culture there. We utterly ignore cycling cultures in developing countries, except when we discuss developing countries as destinations for adventure travel. You can see the results of that in this comment in response to a post about opposition to bike lanes that appeared on the feminist blog Feministe:
Anyway, I would be interested to know how many of the people who want bike lanes are native NYCers vs non-NYC natives. Or even among people who come from countries where bikes aren’t affordable or available.
I kinda feel that my love for biking is a reflection of my privilege–my privilege of being able to grow up in a town where it was safe for a kid to learn how to ride a bike and ride it wherever to her heart’s content.
This person assumes that riding a bike is a privilege and that people in New York who favor cars over bikes may be immigrants from "countries where bikes aren't affordable or available." This is fairly bizarre: in every country in the world, bikes are cheaper than cars. In many developing countries, bikes are a major mode of transportation for poor people who can't dream of owning a car. In China, where members of the middle-class are increasingly abandoning bicycles in favor of automobiles, working-class people are more likely to embrace electric bikes, which are cheap and efficient and allow people to use the extensive system of bike lanes to bypass car traffic.
And yet when people in the US extol the virtues of cargo bikes, we're a whole lot more likely to illustrate it with a picture of a bike rider in the Netherlands than with a picture of a Chinese cyclist.
When they exclusively emphasize European cycle culture, publications like Bicycle Times contribute to a picture of cycle culture that is very, very white. In fact, if this issue of the magazine is anything to go by, it's almost exclusively white. There's one person of color in a picture that illustrates the story on the Dominican Republic, and I think there may be a few people of color in the background of the Dutch story. A reader sent in a picture of his daughter, whose race isn't readily apparent from the photo. There's one Asian person in an advertisement for handmade bike clothes. And other than that, every single person in every editorial and advertising photo in the entire magazine appears to be white. What kind of message does that send? Is that really how we want to represent bike culture in the US?
It seems to me that this depiction of bike culture, both in the US and globally, is kind of exclusionary. As the Feministe comment shows, it can also contribute to bike riding's unfortunate reputation as an elite activity, which doesn't serve us well in debates about whether governments should devote scarce resources to bike infrastructure. I think it's worth giving some thought to how to represent both global and domestic bike culture more inclusively.
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